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Summer Programs




$50 FEE DUE MAY 1, 2025

KSB will be offering one week of summer program for all students across the state in elementary, middle, and high school. Students who have completed Kindergarten through age 21. (Note: This program IS NOT open to seniors graduating in May 2025.) Students will be placed with other students based on the grade they will be in for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Enrollment will be limited -- spots will be designated on a first-come, first serve basis. There will be a $50 student activity fee for each student due no later than May 1. This fee will cover the costs of food and scheduled activities for the week that your child is participating in the summer program. This fee can be paid by cash or check written to KSB. 

*Please note that JCPS will not provide transportation for KSB summer programming.* 

Please reach out to Kyrstin Price if you have any questions or concerns ( 











DATES: June 9 - June 13; June 16 – June 20



KSB Work Program

KSB will be offering two weeks of summer work program for students ages 15-20. Please review the below information closely as some information may have changed. 

Summer Work Program Requirements:

1. Open to students aged 15 or older, up to age 20, by June 1, 2025. Enrollment will be limited based on the number of open slots available at each job site. 

2. Students will complete a morning career class before departing for work each morning.

3. Student will need to complete all components of the application process. Application process components are as follows:

  • Summer Work Program Student Application
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation (Letters of recommendation CANNOT be completed by a family member)
  • Student Resume
  • $50 registration fee (food & recreation activities); cash or check written to Kentucky School for the Blind 

4. Students are expected to complete an interview with the Summer Work Program coordinators. These interviews will be complete either in-person, online, or over the phone. 

5. Students and parent(s) must attend a mandatory orientation meeting prior to the start of the Summer Work Program, following student registration at Kentucky School for the Blind. This meeting will be held Sunday, June 8, 2025 at 2P EST at KSB. 

6. Students are paid through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). Students must establish an account with OVR and their counselor must be involved with the student throughout their employment with the  KSB Summer Work Program. 

7. Priority will go to student workers who are available to participate in both weeks of the program. 

8. Students should plan to stay in the residential facility at KSB. Students who do not wish to stay in the dorms must gain approval to stay off-campus should be obtained from Mr. Bo Mullins prior to the start of camp. 

9. Students should plan to attend for the full day of work each day. If students have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from attending for the entire day, approval should be obtained from Mr. Bo Mullins prior to the start of camp. 

10. Students will not be released to parents/guardians from their job site, unless approval for this arrangement is approved with Mr. Bo Mullins prior to the start of camp. 

2025 Dates:  June 9 - June 13; June 16 – June 20

Work Sites:

  1. Kentucky Kingdom
  2. Louisville Zoo 
  3. American Printing House for the Blind (student must have at least 1 year of experience in the KSB Work Program)

*Please note that JCPS will not provide transportation for KSB summer work programming.* 

Deadline for applications: April 7, 2025



If you have any questions, please reach out to Kyrstin Price.